Make a Gift of Music
Your support is critical to our future.
Revenue from ticket sales cover less than half the cost of presenting the very best in world-class music. More than 75% of every season is made possible by generous gifts.
For over a century, exceptional musicians have shared their artistry with the Princeton community. These rich musical experiences might seem inevitable—but they aren’t. We need your help to broaden our musical offerings, and keep music affordable for ever-widening audiences.
Our Annual Appeal
Make a Tax-Deductible Contribution
You will receive a donation letter following your gift for your tax records. We acknowledge all gifts of $100 or more in our concert programs as follows:
under $100
Donate by Phone
If you would like to make a contribution to Princeton University Concerts by phone, please call us at
Donate by Mail
Please make a check payable to Princeton University Concerts and send it to:
Princeton University Concerts,
Woolworth Center, Room 301,
Princeton, NJ 08544
Planned gifts carry on the vision of an extraordinary group of ladies who founded the series. To inquire about planned giving opportunities, or if you have already included Princeton University Concerts in your plans, please contact Director Marna Seltzer.
We are grateful to these individuals whose planned gifts will help shape the series’ future for years to come: John H. Burkhalter III, Lor & Michael Gehret, Thomas & Trudy Jacoby, Professor & Mrs. Robert Phinney, and Anonymous.
Consider Sponsorship
Unite with your passion for music by making an event or initiative that resonates with you possible through a sponsorship. Please contact Director Marna Seltzer for more information.
Can’t make the concert? Please don’t let your seat go empty. Donate your ticket(s) back to our office so that others may enjoy the performance. Current subscribers will receive an acknowledgement letter for their taxes.
Special Thanks to Our Donors
We remain eternally grateful for the extraordinary vision of two ladies: Philena Fobes and Jesse Peabody Frothingham, whose generous endowments, raised by the Ladies’ Musical Committee and left to PUC in 1929, help to fund our series. We are grateful to the many individuals who continue that legacy by making gifts at all levels to ensure that musical performance remains a vital part of our local and surrounding community. The list below acknowledges gifts received between April 15, 2023 and April 1, 2024. If you see an error or would like to make a change in your listing, please contact the Concert Office at 609-258-2800.
(up to $99)
Earlene Baumunk
Cynthia Beneduce
Barbara Brizzee
Lawrence Cheuk
Scott Cullen
Jane Curran
Lisa Dunkley
Karen Ellis
Larry Filler & Nancy R. Johnson
Catherine Goubault
Nancy Greenspan
Catherine Harper & Roy Winnick
Junming Huang
Irina Irgon
Trudy Jacoby
Olga Kalinicheva
Carolyn Kasky
Kathleen Kraft
Paul Leath
Phyllis & Paul Lehrer
Victoria Lombardo
Martha Otis
Hanna Paczynska
Kazumi Pestka
Marlene L. Rathnum
Ernest Robles & Linda Curtis
Clancy & Leslie Rowley
Ellen Saxon
Carol A. Wehrheim
Felice Weiner
David Yan
Anonymous (4)
Martha Ackerman
William & Alice Allen
Gisella Berry
Marvin Bielawski
Pamela Boorman
Beth & Victor Brombert
Allen Brown & Carol Ann Welsch
John H. Burkhalter III
Theodore Chase, Jr.
Melanie & John Clarke
Patricia Costigan
Larry & Mimi Danson
Joel Deitz & Barbara Berko
Betty Ann Duggan & Paula Bushkoff (in memory of Maida Pollock)
H. Ellis & Phyllis Finger
Joan & John Fleming
Silvina, Antonio, & Pablo Garcia Rubio
Fred & Gael Gardner
Roe Goodman & Enriqueta Carrington
Anita Gordon
Barbara E. Greenstein
Lilian Grosz
Ruth & András Hámori
Abe Hsuan
Pamela Jensen
Alexander Jodidio
John Kim & Ashley Lyu
Everett Kline & David Wald
Judith Klotz
Phyllis Koenig
Dick Kraeuter
Robert Kuser
Harold & Joan Kuskin
Melissa Lane & Andrew Lovett
Paul & Hannah MacKay Lansky
Jeff Lazar & Charlene Rendeiro
Marsha Levin-Rojer
Jon Carl Lewis
Bobette & Dan Lister
Anya & Andrew Littauer
Graham Lord
Kathleen Lynn & William Alper
Edward Martinsen
Ginny Mason
Jane McCarty & Michael Bell
Ted & Louise McClure
Michelle McKenna & Patrick Bernuth
Jan & Rebecca Meurer
Jacqueline Mislow
Beth Morgan & Steve Lestition
Robyn & Daniel Notterman
Robert & Caroline Phinney
Bob & Marion Pollack
Suzanne & Charles Rebick
Ingrid W. Reed
Tom & Janice Roddenbery
Harriette Rubinstein
Katharine D. Sakenfeld
Judith Scheide
Margaret Schleissner
Inez & Richard Scribner
Kate Skrebutenas & Paul Rorem
Joe & Alice Small
Marcia Snowden
Ellen Sorrin & David York
Rose Soskind
Sarah Spalding
Kurt & Judit Stenn
Richard Steo & Catherine Petrilla
Andrea Stine
Caren Vignos Sturges
Sandra C. Sussman
Alec Tsuo & Xiaoman Chen
Marcie Tyson & Frank Terpenning
Marue E. Walizer
Rosalie & Evan Wolarsky
Jack Zamboni
Judy Zimmerman & Marylu Simon
Anonymous (6)
Nancy Becker
Barbara L. Birdsall
Anna Chave & William N. Taylor
Elliot Cohen
Julie Denny Clark
William & Angela Creager
Brandon Gaines
Constance W. Hassett & James Richardson
Wendy Heller & Jack Hill
Rush Holt & Margaret Lancefield (in memory of Maida Pollock)
Susan & Allen Kallor
Adria & Stanley Katz
Russell & Helene Kulsrud
Nancy & Donald Light
Ruth & Bernie Miller
Jane Silverman & Robert Karlin
Bill Stowe & Karin Trainer
John & Leigh Constable Bartlett
Judith & Robin Dexter
Douglas Blair & Ann Reichelderfer
Norman R. Klath
Lucy Anne S. Newman
Dr. Ferris Olin
Reba K. Orszag
Pamela Patton & Eric White
Anne & Mitch Seltzer
Harold T. Shapiro
Judith & Edwin Stier
Gail Ullman
Joan & Ralph Widner