Event stream will begin

Bobby McFerrin, Vocalist with Gimme5


Friday, September 21, 2018 | 7:30PM EDT


Richardson Auditorium in Alexander Hall


Tickets are sold out. Turnback tickets may be available to purchase the night of the concert beginning 5:45pm in Richardson Auditorium.

Special Events

About the Event

Bobby McFerrin is not so much a musician as he is an instrument of music itself, a pure distillation of sound into joy whose performances blur the lines between performer and audience, fusing the two in a joyous communion. He opens PUC’s 125th season in that same spirit of community with his remarkable Circlesongs, a unique musical language that grows out of tribal chant and sacred music, moving across styles and time periods and resulting in something that is as ancient as it is urgently relevant. McFerrin and the ensemble Gimme5 will improvise an evening of shared sound with some help from the Princeton University Glee Club, and together they’ll lead the audience in a call and response, following a pulsing pathway toward the freedom we feel when raising our voices together in harmony.

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Circlesongs, with special guest the Princeton University Glee Club

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